When someone is injured in an accident, especially if it was not their fault, they will often file a personal injury claim in an effort to obtain the financial compensation they require to heal. However, to obtain this compensation, they will have to prove that they were injured as a direct result of another party’s negligence, and oftentimes, this is not easy. One of the best ways to prove a personal injury claim is by hiring a Connecticut private investigator for lawyers who can reconstruct the accident to determine who truly caused the accident. Please continue reading to learn more about how our accident reconstruction experts can help you, a personal injury lawyer, in pursuit of the financial compensation your client requires. Here are some of the questions you may have:
How can a private investigator help a personal injury lawyer with accident reconstruction?
Accident reconstruction experts can provide a tremendous service to personal injury lawyers by taking the following steps after an accident occurs:
- Visit the scene of the accident in person.
- Examine any evidence that was left behind, such as automobile parts, debris, damaged property, skid marks, and more. Any evidence left behind may provide us with several clues as to how the accident happened and who caused it.
- Next, we will examine each vehicle involved in the accident and determine what the damage done to those vehicles says about who caused the accident. For example, if one car is severely dented on the front, while the other car is damaged on its backside, there is a very good chance that the rear-ending motorist was the one at fault.
- We will then track down any witnesses who saw the accident occur and ask them about their story to see if it corroborates your client’s story.
- Finally, we will analyze all medical documentation associated with your client’s injury. Oftentimes, certain injuries are associated with certain types of accidents, which can also shine a light on the cause of the accident and who was at fault.
If you have any additional questions or you are ready to reach out to a knowledgeable Connecticut private investigator to assist you and your client in pursuit of financial compensation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our seasoned team today. We are here to help you in any way we can.
Contact Advanced Investigations
If you are someone who requires a private investigator, you can turn to us. For years, Advanced Investigations has been helping individuals achieve the peace of mind they deserve and need to go on living happy lives. No matter your circumstances, contact Advanced Investigations today so we can help.