CT Loss Prevention Services for Corporate & Commercial Businesses
For business owners, it is hard to imagine the idea that their employees could be stealing or ripping off their company. Therefore, owners and employers often disregard the thought of spending money on loss prevention services. However, employee theft is an issue that plagues businesses across the world. Employees often have the best interest at heart for the company, but the few who may not have the company’s best interest at heart could be costing large financial loss while going undetected. Because employee theft often occurs without detection, businesses often disregard spending money on what is thought to be unnecessary precautions. Without taking the step and utilizing loss prevention services that are available, you could be a business that is being ripped off and may not find out about it until it is too late, if at all. Contact Advanced Investigations today to learn how we can help.
Loss Prevention Services
A few loss prevention services that can prevent financial loss caused by employees include pre-hire screenings and in-depth loss prevention investigations, but that just scratches the surface. Advanced Investigations can provide GPS tracking on company vehicles, covert cameras, surveillance, CCTV alarm installation, secret shoppers, undercover employees, background searches, bank searches, and we are licensed to use Cellebrite UFED.
Cellebrite UFED
Cellebrite UFED (Universal Forensics Extraction Device) is a type of technology used to extract and analyze data from mobile devices, SIM Cards, SD cards, GPS devices, and more. If you own a business affected by employees leaking trade secrets and other private information, we can use Cellebrite UFED to discover where the leak is coming from and put an end to it. The extraction of data with Cellebrite UFED is lawful and can be exported in a usable format.
GPS Tracking
GPS tracking involves tracking employees that drive as part of their employment. This service can improve productivity by limiting the need for distracting and time-consuming calls to driving employees. When business owners or other employees are constantly calling drivers to find out where they are, time, money, and resources are wasted. For delivery companies, this service could minimize distracting phone calls, making mistakes while driving and allow companies to send the closest drivers to deliveries and other time-saving measures. Tracking also makes it much easier to calculate the costs involved with transportation by revealing exact mileage and hours on the road. GPS tracking can improve the issue with distracting communication to driving employees, as well as employee productivity and company profits.
Camera Surveillance Options
Covert cameras and camera surveillance are other ways that businesses can prevent loss from within. Security camera systems prevent against several threats to businesses, such as:
- theft
- vandalism
- employee punctuality
- employee productivity
Unfortunately, many businesses fall victim to ill-willed employees who can rip off business owners without being detected. No matter how small the business or how monitored the employees, unexpected things can happen when heads are turned. The way to ensure productivity and punctuality and prevent against theft is to have cameras installed. Imagine the security in knowing that if funds go missing or a dispute arises between employees, it can be detected and confronted before it is too late. Cameras can improve any business’ safety for owners, employees, clients, and customers.
CCTV Alarm Systems
CCTV alarm systems are another loss prevention service that prevents against threats to the security and safety of a business. Alarm systems give business owners a sense of security both day and night. Most break-ins occur at night, on weekends, and on holidays, because unwanted visitors are often opportunists. Alarm systems can act as a deterrence against burglars, can be used as alert systems, and can help detect criminal activity and intruders. Many businesses that choose to forgo spending the money on alarms, find out the hard way that they are needed far too late, and after incurring unnecessary expenses. Break-ins and intruders also invite fear and insecurity in employees. Alarm systems prevent losses and give business owners the peace of mind in knowing that their business is protected.
Undercover Employees
Secret shoppers and undercover employees bring light to employee dishonesty, business needs, lack of customer service, employee disputes, and theft. It is hard for business owners and managers to keep their eyes peeled on all the employees, merchandise, customers, and everything else in the store along with running the whole show. If it is suspected that employees are slacking off, not watching close enough for shoplifters, or even taking money from the register, secret shoppers and undercover employees are good ways to keep employees honest and have proof to confront problems. Even if theft and employee dishonesty are not occurring, secret shoppers and undercover employees at the very least will give business owners and managers the assurance that activity is being monitored and performance is at its best that it can be.
Background Checks
Lastly, bank searches and background searches are investigations that can highlight harm to business and prevent threats to the business. Bank searches can reveal a business’ finances and show exact places where they don’t add up, or show proof of potential stealing occurred. Background searches ensure business owners that they are making the right decision on who they are letting into their workplace. Employers can reduce the risks of high turnover rates, employee theft, wasted benefits, potential litigation, and improve safety in the workplace. With all the work put into a workplace, the last thing an employer wants is untrustworthy employees who can cause time, money, and resource losses.
Contact Advanced Investigations
Advanced Investigations can provide loss prevention services including GPS tracking on company vehicles, covert cameras, surveillance, CCTV alarm installation, secret shoppers, undercover employees, background searches, and bank searches. If you are a manager, employer, or business owner and are looking to hire new employees, prevent dishonest employees or those who will bring harm to the business, or look into the business’ finances, these services can help. Contact Advanced Investigations today for quality loss prevention services.